Friday, February 17, 2012

ART LESSON PLAN- Tree Wrapping

I have been on Pinterest a lot lately.  I like to find inspiration for art lesson plans and art in general.  I have been seeing these crochet wrapped trees lately.  They are beautiful and FUN!!!!. 

Crochet around the trees.2

I also saw these on Pinterest.

zander olsen

This is called  Tree Line, by Zander Olsen.

They remind me of Christo and Jeanne - Claude.

Wrapped Trees, 1997-1998

I plan to do a lesson plan using this concept.  I can have the students wrap the trees with TP and streamers.  They can use colored tape to secure the paper.  I think they would LOVE this and it would be a unique experience for them.  Then we can remove the paper harm done to the school property!!!  I will post pictures when it gets warm enough here to try the project.

1 comment:

  1. These are so interesting!! It will be such an interesting lesson - I'm looking forward to seeing your results!
